Born and raised in a small town in the Eifel (West Germany), I developed a love for art as far back as I can remember and taught myself painting with acrylics from an early age. I've never attended an art school and instead kept painting in my spare time. Now I live and study in Cologne while painting on the side from my little studio apartment.
My colorful artworks depict semi-abstract landscape sceneries like meadows and waterscapes and are mainly influenced by nature, the seasons and my childhood on the countryside. As a country bumpkin, these colorful landscapes are my time capsule to travel back to my childhood - to a happy place and a carefree time.
Working with acrylics, I like to exaggerate color, drip and apply layer upon layer of paint, then work back into the surface with cloths, scrapers, brushes and palette knives to create heavily textured scenes which capture the beauty, ruggedness and magical quality I see in the Eifel.
I really think my paintings very much reflect my love for my environment and who I am and I hope that they simply bring as much joy to the viewer as they bring me when I paint them.